What is dialysis, Diet for dialysis patients, How to avoid dialysis

October 3, 2012 at 4:06 am | Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments
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What is dialysis, Diet for dialysis patients, How to avoid dialysis

What is Dialysis?

Dia means through and lysis means dissolving. It is a process of removing excess water or waste products from the blood, which accumulate in the body due to non-functioning of the kidneys. The kidneys are nature’s best filter which are working day and night to eliminate toxins from our body. In case of kidney failure due to diabetes, blood pressure or any other reasons, they are not able to remove toxins and therefore the need for dialysis arises. These toxins are mainly urea and creatinine. The kidney also makes a blood formation helping protein called “Erythropoeitin” but in case of kidney failure, they are not able to make this also and therefore the need for Erythropoeitin injections arises.

Dialysis is a temporary solution to lower down urea and creatinine levels. The increased levels of urea and creatinine can be harmful for brain, heart and other body organs. So it is very important to keep them in level. In case of Acute kidney failure, the dialysis can be temporary measure to do the kidney’s function, but in case of chronic kidney disease the dialysis may be the only solution (other than natural herbs, alternative medicines as mentioned in Ayurveda) to keep things in control.

Diet for Dialysis Patients

In most of the kidney failure patients, the underlying cause is Diabetes or Blood Pressure. It is very important to follow the diet for the underlying disease. Although there is generalized schema mentioned as diet for dialysis patients but still it is important to take care of the underlying disease. In case of chronic Kidney failure, the following things should be kept in mind, especially regarding the diet.

i) In Kidney failure, the electrolyte balance is usually disturbed. So Salt intake should be decreased if the Sodium levels are very high. If the Sodium level is low, then the salt intake has to be increased.

ii) Similarly the potassium levels of kidney failure patients are usually elevated. Most of the greens, banana, fruits, herbs and vegetables are rich in natural potassium. So proper take should be taken to make a list of the items which are rich in potassium and then potassium intake should be monitored. Potassium sparing diuretics should also be stopped. The herbs like Rencure Formula, Mutrakrichantak Churna, Varunadi Vati, Punarnava mandur are ok to be used in Kidney failure patients. Green vegetables should be boiled and water sieved out to get rid of extra potassium.

iii) Protein intake should also depend upon blood levels of albumin. If the albumin levels are low, then 50 gram egg white is allowed. The proteins break down into urea and creatinine during their metabolism. So too much protein intake is not usually allowed. Pulses, Cereals, Non-Veg diet should also be avoided.

iv) Alcohol should always be avoided in case of dialysis.

v) Smoking is also very bad in case of any diseases or even during healthy state.

vi) Apples, Papaya, Pears, Potatoes and some beans can be consumed in moderate quantity. Cheese and Yogurt can also be consumed in moderate quantity, especially if the Albumin level is low.

vii) If the urine output is normal, GFR is normal and the potassium levels are normal and the creatinine is less than 10 mg/dl, then the Coconut water is a miracle. Drink a coconut every morning empty stomach. This will also help to maintain the doshic imbalance in the body.


It is an important question. Is it possible in any way to avoid dialysis. The answer is Yes! it is possible in many cases. The dialysis is needed when the creatinine level goes beyond 10 mg/dl

The normal result is 0.7 mg/dl to 1.3 mg /dl in men and 0.6 to 1.1 mg /dl in women. If the level goes above this level, this means the kidneys are stressed out. There is a possibility to reduce the creatinine level by using herbs. In many cases the herbal remedies like Rencure formula, Mutrakrichantak Churna, Punarnava mandur, Varunadi Vati (Together Known as Revive Kidneys Package and devised by – Dr. Vikram Chauhan- MD (Ayurveda) – give excellent results in lowering down urea and creatinine. All the herbs can be used together to lower down the creatinine levels. If the creatinine level remains lesser than 10 mg/dl then there is no need of dialysis and it can always be avoided.

If the creatinine level is already above 10 mg/dl and the patient is already undergoing dialysis, still the herbs are going to give good results. There is another combination of herbs called Advanced stages kidney failure package, which helps to reduce the frequency of dialysis and also helps to avoid dialysis in many cases.

Herbal Remedies to Avoid dialysis




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